Rock and Roll performers

By March 27, 2010 March 8th, 2014 Blog

Today was the first day that I was able to catch up on some sleep. The beginning of the week set me back a few hours. I was reminded that I can’t stay out late with my professional rock and roll performer friends three days in a row and work a day job with out consequence. I used to, but I can’t now. It was worth it though as I got to hang out with an old friend and see SpoonDeerhunter and the Strange Boys twice each.

Mainly through my own laziness, I hadn’t really ever checked out Deerhunter so I wasn’t sure what to expect, but I was really impressed. Any band that can combine genres that you once thought were mutually exclusive to each other while reminding you of about five other bands that you really like at the same time wins in my book. Plus Branford is one of the most sincerely nice people I have met in a while. Not only are we both big Eggleston fans, it also turns out that we have a bunch of mutual friends. Spoon just keeps getting better. I’ve seen them a couple of times now and each time I’m impressed more. The second night, 3/23 was probably the best I’ve seen them play. I had a photo pass the first night, but it was so crowded up front I couldn’t get any good angles. I really hate to be that guy with the camera that elbows his way up to the front, so I just did what I could.

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