Inaugracalypse: Countdown to Change, part 2

By January 18, 2009 March 13th, 2014 Blog

We went down to the big party at the mall this afternoon. It was pretty intense. They are saying 500,000 were there. I would agree and maybe say that is a conservatine estimate. Kellee and I parked the bikes at 17th and H and walkd down 17th to the mall. I took a couple pictures on the way. It was really awesome that the Corcoran put up the portraits of Obama and Reagan on the outside of the gallery advertising the Avedon show. I really couldn’t resist. We couldn’t get anywhere close enough to see much so we just walked around and people watched for about an hour or so. Long enough to hear James Taylor and Mellencamp play as well as a couple of speeches that we couldn’t make out. Was cool to just have been there and seen it all. Everyone was having a good time and the mood was positive. I read it somewhere and I agree that it’s finally cool to be from America again. I mean it always was, but I don’t have to qualify it with, “I didn’t vote for that guy and actually most everyone else didn’t.”  Of course there was, as there always is, those one or two assholes who had to be spreading the hate. Saying things like, “All of you just want your sex, drugs and rock & roll, then to go kill your babies.” There were a few people still trying to say that Obama was born in Kenya as that the certification is illeagal. Wow.